Pothos Marble Queen  / - Indoor Plant
Pothos Marble Queen  / - Indoor Plant

Pothos Marble Queen / - Indoor Plant

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The Marble Queen Pothos is a popular variation on the classic Golden Pothos features marbled white variegation instead of yellow.

This is a low maintenance plant that doesn't require much care. Pothos enjoy high humidity but will tolerate average household humidity levels. Misting the Pothos once in a while will bring up humidity levels. 

Tips: Overwatering is the number one killer of Pothos. Signs of overwatering are pale yellow leaves on new and old leaves.

Comes in:  4" & 6" nursery pots and 8" hanging pot

Sun icon Moderate indirect light. Careful not to have it in bright direct sun as this will scorch the leaves.

Water drops icon  The Marble Queen prefers her soil to be on the dry side. Water when the top several inches of soil has dried out. 

Paw print icon Toxic to pets