Necklace Vine / Crassula perforata - Indoor/Outdoor Plant

Necklace Vine / Crassula perforata - Indoor/Outdoor Plant

Regular price $ 46.00

If you are looking for a succulent that is not only easy but adorable, we've got the plant for you.  The only thing that will really kill this versatile plant is overwatering.

It has square or triangle-shaped leaves that create a spiral shape around the plant's stem to give it a stacked appearance. The gray-green leaves can take on a pink hue when exposed to sufficient light. 

Comes in a 6" nursery pot

Sun iconIt will handle almost any lighting condition in an indoor setting but will suffer if left without enough light. 

Water drops icon The is a great candidate for the soak-and-dry method. Simply soak the soil, drenching it until water runs out of the bottom of the pot and the soil is fully moist. Do not let the water touch the leaves while you're watering. 

Paw print icon Toxic to pets